Games for Change

ABC Zoom

Science Fiction Adventure

Learn about charge in a point and click adventure aboard a ship in deep space. Flip-classroom-designed browser and tablet HTML5 game.

Leading a team of six, I worked together with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and 2and2 to design and build a cross-platform HTML5 point-and-click adventure game. My vision was for a game where learning outcomes were delivered through player action rather than rote learning incentivised by 'badges' and 'levels'.

I built Zoom using CreateJS, Coffeescript and RequireJS. A HTML5 canvas game of unprecedented size, Texturepacker and /packer/ were used to fit the whole narrative experience in under 10MB, playable on iPad2.

Play ABC Zoom

A locked door Prisms are use to diffract light Zoomed into the interior of a cell The interior of your spaceship A malfunctioning cyborg Amber helps you through the ship

Your game needs strong characters and worlds. E-mail me today.

Outstanding Achievement in Games
Interactive Media Awards

Outstanding Achievement in Science/Technology
Interactive Media Awards

Halflife Hero

Run a nuclear research reactor

Chemical process of an isotope Choosing an isotope to cook Cooking an isotope

A time management game to combat public suspicion around Australia's Lucas Heights nuclear reactor through humanisation and clarity of the process.

A lot of nuclear education takes a "benefits demonstration" approach, my design aimed at demonstrating the process to dispel the image of 'dangerous science'. Focusing on images of the humans on both ends of the chain, the reactor pool and the isotypes fills in critical gaps of the public's view of the reactor.

Collaboration with both the instructional designer and with ANSTO's marketing team was essential to first gain a complete understanding of science and logistics behind the isotope process, and then to design a game that was accessible and met the very specific needs of the client and their broad target audience.

Get Halflife Hero

I'll communicate your complex concepts through play.

Finalist - Education & Family
Mobile & App Design Awards

Pure Rush

Drug Education Runner

Choose between two characters Drug education component Run through dangerous Australia

A procedural runner for the Australian government's drug education campaign. Pushing the boundaries of the delicate political issue.

Working with NDARC and 2and2, our goal was to delay first use until 18 to take advantage of a correlation of decreased problem usage later in life. With existing drug campaigns often having the opposite of their intended effects, we aimed to be honest and reserved.

We looked at current trends and decided on a learning outcome of performance inhibition. We allowed players to 'use drugs' - an unprecedented presentation in the field, but critical to dispell the anticipation around them - then disincentivised them through making them mechanically boring.

Play Pure Rush

I will help negotiate complex political projects.


Play and Practice Chinese

A choice of five games Flip cards Game results Dragon Drop It

Cross-platform HTML5 gamification.

Working with ESA and 2and2, I transitioned the studio from waterfall e-learning development to agile game development processes.

I developed the CreateJS and Coffeescript workflow that would later be applied to future 2and2 projects like ABC Zoom and Halflife Hero.

Play CanUHanyu

Winner - Education and Family
Australian Mobile Awards

Best of Smartphone
Learning & Education
20th Annual AIMIA Awards

Best in Class in Education
Interactive Media Awards

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